Harnessing Creative Mind Power

Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power

Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power

Welcome to Ultimate Destinyland where together we collect, share and evaluate resources for realizing more of your potential as you Discover and Manifest Your Ultimate Destiny.

If your life isn’t unfolding the way you wish it would, it’s time to harness your mind’s creative power! Everything that exists in the world today was once an idea in someone’s mind. If it can’t be conceived, it can’t be achieved. Thus, if you want something – job, money, relationships, health, a different lifestyle, peace of mind, creative work that’s successful – you have to start by harnessing your mind. “Getting your bricks in a pile” is what we say on the farm. How can you build anything if your bricks are scattered all over?

You have the power to draw to yourself anything you want or need in life, and you do this by learning to focus your mind and coordinate your thoughts and actions. Generally, this is not something that was taught in high school, although some people do it naturally. For many, however, one day we want a great love, the next we want great sums of money, the next we want to spend our life trekking freely through exciting foreign lands, and the next we’re feeling guilty because the grass isn’t mowed, the laundry is piling up, and the reports the boss asked for aren’t done. We end up scurrying around, snipping at others to leave us alone, resenting everything, and then the cycle starts over. Meanwhile, we remain unaware that we are sending out terribly confusing messages to the Source of all creation.

You can end this cycle of dissatisfaction and confusion by simply coming to grips with your self and your creative mind, and learning to use the Law of Attraction. This is the law that says, “Whatever you focus on becomes your reality.” It doesn’t matter whether you are focusing positively, as in “I want that… I want that…”, or negatively with thoughts like, “I hope that never happens… I don’t want that…”

Harnessing your mind is a combination of knowing what to do, being disciplined enough to do it, and being aware enough to begin noticing the signs of change and practice gratitude for these. It means “acting as if” you already have what you have decided to create in your life.

Too often we do not take time to really go inside and figure out what we want. Just as often, we discount our desires by telling ourselves that what we want is not noble enough, or that we should want something bigger, or perhaps that what we want is asking too much. Life is abundance itself and we are meant to live in that abundance. All we have to do is get organized and decide what we want first, second, etc.

Each of us is overflowing with creative power, yet often we hold the attitude that it is limited, or is something we generate by ourselves. The truth is that Mind has no limits, is an eternal presence within you, and when you make a clear decision or create a clear vision, and hold your attention on it, you are working with a power much greater than yourself. To tell yourself that some things are too difficult to get may be a statement about what you are willing to receive, but it is not a true statement about the great Mind of which you are part. Miracles unfold when you simply acknowledge your desire, allow yourself to feel gratitude and joy in the thought of having it, and accept it into your life.

What would you like to create or re-create in your life? A new home in a different part of town, or perhaps the country? A new career? A different shape for your body? A new skill such as photography, woodworking, writing, investing, or something else? Adventure? Romance? Time for travel? Do you dream of having freedom? New friends? Or the simple things like a new set of cups, a different hair color, or the courage to dress in some way that makes a statement about your heritage or beliefs?

To harness the power of your mind, you must know yourself deeply and set priorities for yourself. Otherwise, you will end up creating “conflicting wants.” You can’t want marriage and dating others. You have to choose one or the other or you’ll end up feeling bad. You can’t want a big savings account and then spend with abandon while expecting your spouse to keep increasing the savings account. You’ll end up being accused of manipulation and again feel bad. You can’t refuse to educate yourself then blame the world when you can’t get a good job or find interesting work. If you really don’t want a formal education, then recognize that you’re choosing to limit your possibilities. Develop yourself in some other way. A college degree is not a necessity, but self-development is. You can create almost anything you desire – and Harnessing Your Mind’s Creative Power can help you do so.

John F. Demartini speaks of a mentor who taught him a powerful phrase to which Demartini gives credit to the success he has enjoyed in life. The phrase is, “I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.” By declaring that you are a genius is not an action of arrogance; rather it is recognition of the answers and greatness that lies within you, within every human being.

We are all geniuses and allow our aptitude to soar when we apply that which we already know. And yet, how do we that? How do we tap into the creative power within? The purpose of this interactive program from Ultimate Destiny is to help you discover your creative power, harness it and then help it find expression in the world.

Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power includes pre and post self-assessment quizzes, featured resources, application exercises and tools for planning what priority action steps to take to achieve your ultimate success in this area of successful living.

The Program includes 12 main sections designed to help you discover your dreams and realize your ultimate success:

1. Know Thyself! Self Assessment Discovery Exercise

2. How to Envision Your Ideal Future as You Harness the Creative Powers of Your Imagination

3. How to create A Feeling of Gratitude for the Realization of the Vision of Your Ultimate Potential

4. How to Set and Achieve S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Dated)

5. How to Develop and Implement Action Plans

6. How to Use Visualization with Vision Boards and Treasure Maps

7. How to Develop and Use Affirmation Statements

8. How to Nurture Your Heart’s Desires

9. How to Identify and Work with Coaches, Mentors and Cheerleaders

10. How to Create Your Own Mastermind Support Team

11. How to Apply the Law of Attraction by Flowing Positive Energy to Your Vision

12. How to Enjoy Maximum Benefits from Engaging in Lifelong Learning of Essential Successful Living Skills

Table headers:



Description of the powers of the mind to create. Put the incredible power of your mind to purposeful, focused use. Discover that you may already be doing most of what will manifest your dreams—you just need to become systematic and complete.
Information on the problem-solving powers of the mind. Apply the unbounded power of your mind to solve even long-standing problems in your life. Learn to do it with ease.
Stories showing ordinary people attracting just what they want. Learn how to attract to yourself whatever you most desire. See how ordinary people have been able to attract what they dream of─and that you can too.

Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power also includes featured resources including printed and digital book, audio and video programs, seminars, workshops, webinars, teleseminars and live events from some of the top resource providers in the world.

These include Paul J. Meyer, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, Chris Howard, Robert Allen, Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, Lynne Pierce, Jack Canfield, Jim Britt, Jack Zufelt, Dr. Jerry Teplitz, and hundreds of other best-selling authors, trainers and successful living coaches.

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Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power is a Treasure Chest packed with over 50 pages of original content, fun and insightful self discovery assessments, Master Goals Setting Forms, Implementation Action Planning Exercises and several hundred dollars worth of FREE BONUSES.

Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power Book

Harnessing Your Creative Mind Power Book

Click Here to buy your copy of Harnessing Your Creative Mind and Sub-Conscious for only $14.97

or you can Click here to buy the complete Ultimate Destiny Success System with over 1,000 pages, featuring 14 programs and over $1,000 worth of bonuses for only $77.

